FOKAL won the Zayed Award for Human Fraternity 2022

APRIL 14, 2022 | Ayiti Demen

FOKAL’s work is  “a shining example of implementing the principle of human fraternity,” noted one of the jury members.

This prestigious recognition provides further confidence that The Foundation for Knowledge and Liberty (FOKAL) “plays a vital role in shaping the lives of the local youth and supporting hard-working communities at the grassroots level,” read a statement from the organization behind the Zayed award.

“The prize came as a big surprise,” said Michèle Pierre-Louis, FOKAL’s president and  Ayiti Demen’s board chair. In a video broadcast during the ceremony on Feb 28, 2022, she emphasizes FOKAL’s commitment to improving the lives of Haitians. “You can sense the solidarity that exists among them. You can sense also the precariousness in which they are living. And that’s why the support we give to those communities is so important to us.”

FOKAL is a private foundation established in 1995 in Haiti. It has several programs in education, development, and arts and culture, which it runs cooperatively with the local organizations. Our fundraising efforts at Ayiti Demen provide much-needed financial support to many of the FOKAL’s programs. By receiving the 2022 Zayed Award for Human Fraternity, shared with Jordan’s King Abdullah II and Queen Rania, FOKAL joins the shortlist of outstanding recipients such as Pope Francis, the head of the Catholic Church, and Antonio Gúterres, the Secretary-general of the United Nations. A monetary prize of $1 million dollars is given to the awardees.

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