
We’re equipping the youth with intellectual and social capital to achieve their aspirations and contribute to the community.

Education Initiatives Supported

Monique Calixte Library

An integral part of FOKAL’s programs, the Monique Calixte Library has been a dynamic learning and entertainment space for thousands of people –from children to adults– in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince (Haiti). It helps FOKAL to achieve its goals of access to information and youth empowerment. The bulk of its collection comprises more than 300 references in literature, magazines, and encyclopaedias. Activities include exhibits, lectures, film screenings, storytime, children’s activities, public readings, theater, plastic arts workshops, games, etc. In addition, through a partnership established with the American Embassy in Haiti in 2009, the library houses an American corner dedicated to promoting American literature and culture. Through its overall library program, FOKAL also provides financial and technical support to 20 community libraries located in small towns across the country.  Learn more

University Partnerships

Led by FOKAl, the University Partnership program focuses on improving the quality of higher education in Haiti and developing skills and knowledge among the youth. The program addresses multiple dimensions of the education issue by investing in scientific research, supporting innovative training projects, and developing partnerships between Haitian and foreign organizations and universities. FOKAl also awards financial support to outstanding students to further their education at post-secondary institutions in Haiti or abroad. Learn more
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to Uplift the Youth (BUY)

Basketball to Uplift the Youth, is a nonprofit organization that seeks to educate and mentor Haitian youth through basketball. Since its inception in 2013, BAL has welcomed more than 130 boys and girls ages 8 and up in two of Haiti’s most disadvantaged urban communities, Martissant and Cité Soleil. In addition to basket training and games, participants enjoy at no cost various year-long activities, including critical thinking and writing exercises, tutoring, educational field trips, and mobile health clinics.
Learn more
“Our objective through everything we do is to expand their [the students'] horizons, to expose them to things that they normally wouldn’t be exposed to. The way the education system in Haiti is, especially early on, it’s really centered on Haiti and rote learning, so it’s a way for us to expand their knowledge too.”
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Dave Fils-Aimé
BUY’s Founder and Executive Director

When we give, we give big